About admin

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So far admin has created 29 blog entries.

Uffy Tools supports WorkShopAddict.com

Uffy Tools is now a supporting member of WorkShopAddict.com. Join the discussion at http://www.workshopaddict.com/forum/forum.php

Uffy Tools supports WorkShopAddict.com2013-02-24T13:33:52-05:00

5-Star Rating from ToolSelect Memebers

We are fond of the toolselect.com, their unbiased reviews, and their active user base.  Thanks for rating the TH-T-1825XP so highly.

5-Star Rating from ToolSelect Memebers2012-12-02T09:13:30-05:00

Tools of the Trade Product Watch TH-T-CZ10

Tools of the Trade Fall 2012 issue recognizes Uffy Tool's TH-T-CZ10 "Durable Pinner" in it's Product Watch. http://www.toolsofthetrade.net/drilldrivers/durable-pinner.aspx

Tools of the Trade Product Watch TH-T-CZ102012-10-31T13:19:38-04:00

18G Brad Nailer “Surpasses [tool-rank.com’s] expectations”

Thanks to Gary Rodenius for reviewing our new 18G brad nailer the TH-T-1825XP. http://www.tool-rank.com/tool-blog/reviews/uffy-18-gauge-brad-nailer-review-201207241252/ "Another thing very obvious about Uffy's 18 gauge gun is

18G Brad Nailer “Surpasses [tool-rank.com’s] expectations”2012-07-24T16:03:17-04:00
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